2022 Legacy Keepers Awardees

With more than 20 years of experience as a community development practitioner, Deborah E. Bennett has committed her professional career to the revitalization of low-income communities. Ms. Bennett is currently a Senior Program Officer at the Polk Bros. Foundation, where she is a program area leader for workforce development, affordable housing, community economic development, and safe communities. Previously, Ms. Bennett held positions with Shorebank Corporation and UIC’s Center for Urban Economic Development. 
Walter Burnett, Jr. was born in Chicago, Illinois; his family lived in the former Cabrini Green Housing Complex. His father was the local precinct captain in the area and often took Walter with him to work the precinct; planting the seeds that would ultimately sprout into a successful political career. Burnett first ran for office in 1995. As Alderman, his objective to serving constituents and representing a diverse community has been about balance. He has an outstanding reputation of treating everyone fair. Burnett is a strong advocate for affordable housing in the City of Chicago and all developments within his ward are required to have an affordable component to the project. He has developed a strong reputation as an advocate for affordable housing and continues to be a leader on this issue.

Natalie Moore is WBEZ’s South Side Reporter where she covers segregation and inequality. Her enterprise reporting has tackled race, housing, economic development, food injustice and violence. Natalie’s work has been broadcast on the BBC, Marketplace and NPR’s Morning Edition, All Things Considered and Weekend Edition. Natalie’s work has helped shift the way Chicagoans today think about segregation in the region.